Horror Stories
March 20, 2016
The Toronto Star reported last year that neighbours have complained the large five-bedroom house was regularly rented out on website Airbnb and used for noisy parties.
Horror Stories
March 20, 2016
Willowdale’s Glenelia Ave. used to be so quiet residents once called it “the street that time forgot.” Those days are over.
Horror Stories
April 30, 2015
A Calgary couple who rented out their home for a weekend returned on Monday to find it had been the site of what police described as a “drug-induced orgy.”
Horror Stories
April 29, 2015
Police say that they have never encountered “anything” like the destruction found in a Calgary home after it was rented out to tenants using Airbnb over the weekend.
Horror Stories
March 13, 2015
Legitimate bed and breakfast operations are paying the proper insurance and taxes – but the growing popularity of ordinary homeowners using Airbnb under their homeowners’ policies are creating a problem – and presenting a coverage gap.
Horror Stories
February 25, 2015
It wasn’t the unannounced guests or talk of Tinder trysts that convinced Pam Swan to buy extra sheets for her Airbnb listing. In the end, it was the condom wrappers in her bed that did it.
Horror Stories
January 10, 2015
Airbnb is a fairly new company, founded in 2008, that uses a social networking model to connect travelers with hosts willing to sublet space to them for a short period of time. Available spaces range from a room in a house or apartment, where the host may even cook you meals, to whole apartments or houses available while the host is elsewhere.
Horror Stories
November 18, 2014
Airbnb rentals are increasingly popular with travellers looking for cheap accommodations. The short term rentals are also a hit with homeowners hoping to make some extra cash. But what do the neighbours think—especially if you’re in an apartment building?
Horror Stories
August 8, 2014
Airbnb has helped travellers find a cozy hotel alternative in more than 34,000 cities since first launching in 2008. The bed and breakfast booking site — which facilitates independent listings and transactions for those seeking hotel alternatives — has left its 17 million guests with a temporary home away from home.