Fairbnb News
August 31, 2016
They are putting pressure on committees that run apartment buildings to change the rules and ban Airbnb from their buildings, but this could run into legal problems…
Fairbnb News
August 30, 2016
Airbnb is making a recruiting pitch to potential Toronto hosts in the midst of calls for regulation of short-tem rental services and concern about their impact on the rental market…
Fairbnb News
August 30, 2016
Frequent use of room-rental services such as Airbnb Inc. is causing headaches for some homeowners looking to refinance their mortgages. Lenders are subjecting some Airbnb hosts to extra review based on how they are using their properties, so homeowners should be aware of the following tips when considering whether they should apply for a new loan:..
Fairbnb News
August 30, 2016
Airbnb owners who rent out all or part of their homes on platforms like Airbnb are finding that banks are far less enthusiastic about the sharing economy than travelers. Even infrequent Airbnb hosts have more difficulty or are rejected outright when it comes to refinancing home loans or lines of credit, the Wall Street Journal warns…
Fairbnb News
August 26, 2016
SHANDAKEN >> Fireworks being shot off at 3 a.m. and guns being fired have been added to the list of complains about the short-term home rental business in the town of Shandaken…
Fairbnb News
August 26, 2016
Montgomery County planners have scheduled a Sept. 19 meeting for community members to ask questions and to offer their thoughts on proposed efforts to regulate short-term rentals that operate over the Internet…
Fairbnb News
August 26, 2016
(Aug. 26, 2016) Internet-based short-term rental companies are doing more than competing with the traditional lodging industry, they also are cutting into the revenue that county and local governments receive from hotels, motels and brick-and-mortar rental firms…
Fairbnb News
August 26, 2016
Airbnb has strengthened its hold on the rental market by partnering with a major rental listings portal, enabling renters to try an area before they commit to renting there…
Fairbnb News
August 25, 2016
While commercial listings on Airbnb make up a tiny sliver of the total units available, they do account for an outsized portion of profits – and that could motivate the controversial startup to focus more on those commercial listings as it grows…
Fairbnb News
August 25, 2016
If you thin it’s tough finding a decent rental in Portland now, a new analysis suggests it’s going to get worse. And, if that happens, you might just have Airbnb to thank for it…